Ispirer Systems Logo

Ispirer Systems

Company - Ispirer

Who is Ispirer Systems?

Ispirer is an international software company that provides innovative solutions for highly automated cross-database conversion and human-written program code modernization. The experience with Ispirer has been great, from the software, support, and communication.". We are always there for them, working hard until the very last issue is resolved. We are honest and straightforward internally, and transparent and reliable as a team. We are always willing to reconsider our approaches, adjust our tools and techniques, try out and incorporate new ideas in order to deliver the best possible outcome. Ispirer is committed to protecting the information of our customers. The use of our products is totally safe as it does not require an Internet connection. Our clients generally find Ispirer Toolkit easy to use, appreciate the excellent conversion quality and friendly support we provide.Most importantly, they managed to solve their migration tasks quickly and efficiently.

This company is:

Service provider

Tallinn, Estonia

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1999

Products & services of Ispirer Systems

Product Supported Target Databases - Ispirer image


Supported Target Databases - Ispirer

Target Databases | Have a project you are interested in discussing with us? Drop us a line!

Product Migrate Informix to Vertica - Ispirer image


Migrate Informix to Vertica - Ispirer

Migrate Informix to Vertica | Migrate Informix to Vertica | Why Ispirer? | Migration Overview | Turnkey Migration Service | Looking for Informix to Vertica Migration Services? | Ispirer Toolkit Customization Services | Our Projects | Helping HR Software Leader: Db2 OS/390 to SQL Server | Ispirer Helps DB2 to PostgreSQL Move for Payment Provider | Service Provider Chooses Ispirer for PostgreSQL Transformation | Related Services | What Our Customers Say | Get in touch with us! | Turnkey migration service for Informix to Vertica | Ispirer Toolkit customization service | High quality SQL code conversion | Flexibility | Free smart assessment | Comprehensive migration analysis | Would you like to organize a live demo with the Ispirer team? | Database audit | Refactoring | Performance optimization | Juan Zamora | CEO | Aswadi Shamsudin | Managing Director | Sam Clark | IT Manager | Daniel Daccache | PMO Manager | Selwyn Visagie | IT Manager | Jeremy Hearn | Solution Architect

Product Migrate Informix to MariaDB - Ispirer image


Migrate Informix to MariaDB - Ispirer

Migrate Informix to MariaDB | Migrate Informix to MariaDB | Ispirer Toolkit for Automated Migration | Migration Overview | Informix 4GL Conversion | Turnkey Migration Service | Looking for Informix to MariaDB Migration Services? | Our Projects | Helping HR Software Leader: Db2 OS/390 to SQL Server | Ispirer Helps DB2 to PostgreSQL Move for Payment Provider | Service Provider Chooses Ispirer for PostgreSQL Transformation | Why Migrate with Ispirer | What Our Customers Say | Get in touch with us! | Ispirer Toolkit for automated migration | Turnkey migration service | High quality SQL code conversion | Flexibility | Free smart assessment | Comprehensive migration analysis | Informix to MariaDB Migration Features | Seasoned team | Technology expertise | Top-notch data security | Tran Vihn Thang | Country Head | Mauricio Pacheo and Laurent Bensemana | Rahul Rajput | Francesco Fuzio | Global Head of Software Development | Tony Rorke | CIO | Michael Kulik | President

View all products


Database Migration
Embedded SQL Conversion
Database Conversion
Application Migration
Application Conversion
Data Migration
Legacy Migration
Application Modernization
Database Modernization
Software Developement
Information Technology & Services


IT, Software and Services

Use Cases of Ispirer Systems


Conversion to Java - Ispirer

Conversion to Java | Conversion Option | What Our Customers Say | Need to convert another application? | Tim Sexton | Project Lead | George Cavanaugh | IT Manager | Vladimir Labar | Software Developer | Yoshiro Suyama | Senior Specialist | Eric Kalabacos | Vice President | Erik Johnson | Vice President

Contact of Ispirer Systems

City: Tallinn

State: Harju maakond

Country: Estonia

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Ispirer Systems

The company Ispirer Systems is located in Tallinn, Harju maakond, Estonia. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Ispirer Systems has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Ispirer Systems was founded in 1999

The company Ispirer Systems has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services